Thank you for the 2nd Takai IVR Live Symposium (TIP) & Introducion of the 3rd Takai IVR Live Symposium (TIP)
The 2nd Takai IVR Live Symposium (TIP), which was held on February 11 (Sun.) and 12 (Mon.), 2024, has successfully concluded with about 130 attendees.
We deeply appreciate your support and cooperation.
At the 2nd symposium, we have expanded the dates to two days and performed 8 live case demonstrations not only for physicians of cranial nerve field, but also for all medical staff under the theme of "Neuroendovascular Therapy and Interventional Radiology from Neuroradiologists' Perspective".
It was a meaningful symposium with attendance from the young to the expert of physicians and co-medical professionals who are involved in IVR.
The 3rd Takai IVR Live Symposium (TIP) is rescheduled to be held on Saturday, December 6 and Sunday, December 7, 2025.
We look forward to your attendance in spite of inconveniences caused by this change of the schedule.
Katsutoshi Takayama
Representative Course Director,
Takai IVR Live Symposium (TIP)
Katsutoshi Takayama
Department of Interventional Neuroradiology / Radiology, Kouseikai Takai Hospital
Toshi Abe
Department of Radiology, Kurume University
Tomoaki Terada
Department of Neurosurgery, SHOWA University Northern Yokohama Hospital
Ichiro Nakahara
Department of Comprehensive Strokology, Fujita Health University
Akira Matsuno
Department of Neurosurgery, International University of Health and Welfare
Masanori Inoue
Department of Radiology, FUJITA HEALTH UNIVERSITY
Hiro Kiyosue
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Kumamoto University
Shoji Sakaguchi
Department of Aortic Stent Graft and Endovascular Treatment, Matsubara Tokushukai Hospital
Shuichi Tanoue
Department of Radiology, Kurume University School of Medicine
Ichiro Nakagawa
Department of Neurosurgery, Nara Medical University
Yasunori Nishida
Department of Cardiology, Kouseikai Takai Hospital
Date: Saturday, December 6 and Sunday, December 7, 2025
Representative Course Director: Katsutoshi Takayama (Kouseikai Takai Hospital)
Target Audience: Interventional neuroradiology related medical doctor, medical staff, medical device company, pharmaceutical company, etc.